Activeden - Neuvo MP3 Player 5 Color - Rip
XML | SWF | JS | MP3 | HTML | 15,2 МБ
- selectable playlist, this allows the user to create their own playlist by selecting only the songs they want to listen to.
- If all or some of the items have been selected, tracks will automatically skip to next song on completion
- Add to cart feature which gives the user the option to buy the song online.
- XML Settings: autostart, looping, start volume, volume bar color, playlist font color, cell hover color, odd row color, even row color, active cell color, volume display text color, equalizer bar color, equalizer background color
- controls: next, previous, play, pause, stop.
- selectable playlist, this allows the user to create their own playlist by selecting only the songs they want to listen to.
- If all or some of the items have been selected, tracks will automatically skip to next song on completion
- Add to cart feature which gives the user the option to buy the song online.
- XML Settings: autostart, looping, start volume, volume bar color, playlist font color, cell hover color, odd row color, even row color, active cell color, volume display text color, equalizer bar color, equalizer background color
- controls: next, previous, play, pause, stop.